Students Together Empowering People of Color Successfully


We remember when Horace Mann alumna, Devereaux Mackey, won a school grant to implement her vision for a student resource.

“STEPS is everything I never had in middle school and I wanted to create a program where students of color and their families felt supported consistently.”

Students Together Empowering People of Color Successfully, has grown three-fold in just three years with 35 upper school mentors and 32 middle school mentees!

This year, STEPS kicked-off under the current leadership of senior, Jessica Thomas, with the administrative support of Ronald Taylor & Kimberly Joyce-Bernard, along with the Horace Mann community.

This dynamic mentorship group meets weekly and is supported by parents too. One dad said “STPES opens doors for students of color to be their authentic best-selves in a structured forum that mitigates the culture of predominantly white institutions. ” We like that! Brava!