We’re here to empower your Family.
Families of Color deserve an admissions and enrollment process that allows their children to shine. We’re here to help.
RIISE is empowering families of color with strategies to better experience belonging with admission and enrollment in independent schools.
Our commitment to cultural responsiveness is what makes RIISE your ideal partner on the journey. Resources In Independent School Education is a lifestyle network building bridges between families and school culture.
We like what this parent had to say… “Thank you for your support, guidance, and giving spot-on suggestions about the process. For listening through my ups and downs in the process, for helping me gain perspective, and for being a friend.”
What type of member are you?
Visionary Member – You’re busy. You see it, but you don’t have the time to do it—we’re your concierge!
Doer Member – You can do it. You just need a strategic roadmap—we’ve got that!
Thinker Member – You’re already enrolled and making power moves as a parent partner—we’ve got your back!
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Receive 10 hours of expert concierge admission consultation
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Playbook + ToolkitT™Receive invitations to RIISE Newsletter, Exclusive events & Focus Groups
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RIISE Roadmap ID™ This personalized educational assessment is based on your family’s cultural, social, & educational framework. It will validate experiences while allowing you to identify your family’s goals for academic and social success at an independent school. Your RIISE Roadmap ID™ will help guide the journey by answering the fundamental questions that most families of color have about this educational quest.
RIISE Parent Blueprint + Playbook + Toolkit™ RIISE knows the power of parent engagement, advocacy, and agency for the overall emotional, social, and academic success of children of color. Our blueprint, playbook, and toolkit offer strategies to partner with schools for equitable and inclusive recruitment, enrollment, and beyond.
Sharing our collective narratives for legacy in independent schools is what we love to do.
Subscribe below for culturally relevant experiences & opportunities.
We look forward to meeting you!